Sunday, March 14, 2010

Proactiv Solutions Review

Same Formula, NEW Technology: Micro Crystal
New Proactiv Solution has be formulated with an exclusive micro-crystal benzoyl peroxide, designed to allow the key active fighting ingredient to absorb more quickly into pores. Typical benzoyl peroxide particles on average are 25% larger than the pore and can vary in size. The new benzoyl peroxide in Proactiv is approximately 1/10 the size of the pore, and the particles are evenly sized and uniform throuout the formula.

The even particle size and overall distribution of the new micro crystal benzoyl peroxide may help prevent clumping of benzoyl crystals, which allows for better absorption into the pore and may minimize the occurance of the dryness and redness sometimes associated with benzoyl peroxcide.

Retail is $49.95/Proactiv Preferred Customer price is $39.95 or visit or call 1.888.819.2019

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