Friday, November 19, 2010

Gone and Made an Explosion

...a popcorn explosion that is!
Added way to much popcorn.

Chris thought it was hilarious!

But boy it was GOOD!



Mommy D said...

Hi! I love your blog! I saw your post on the Grab my button linky party (bloggy moms) and I checked out your site. Wonderful! I grabbed your button for my Blogroll here:
I would love it if you might consider grabbing mine as well. You will find it in the sidebar of my site. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Aww how cute! Ive wanted to make popcorn like that. I think I am going to get that and let my son have some fun with it lol

Im your newest follower :D

Feel free to view my blog too :D

Kimberley said...

Good morning! New follower here from Ace and Friends. Great blog! I haven't make popcorn like that in forever, may try it tonight! Stop by and see me if you get the chance, thanks!


MMAR said...

What a cute helper you have there!! I'm following from the Weekend hop at Ace & Friends! I look forward to your post!

meeyeehere said...

I love popcorn! YUMMY!
I am following you too!

East9thStreet said...

You mean popcorn isn't always made from the microwave? =)

Melissa Sharon said...

My kids would love to make our own popcorn (if I knew how to do it!) What a great blog! Visiting you from Bloggy Moms. If you get a chance, visit me at - thanks!

Brittney said...

I found you on mom bloggers club came to follow you. My Daughter would of also thought this was very funny!

Whole Lotta Mama said...

Hey Melissa! All you have to do is add oil to the bot off a pot add your popcorn, put a lid on it and turn up the heat. Just like microwave popcorn listen and as soon as it starts slowing down turn it off and poor in a bowl. Its sooo much more healthier to make it by pot or hand so to say.

Whole Lotta Mama said...

wow ha! I cant spell today!

Anonymous said...

I love that the lid stayed on! Yum!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I love popcorn! This looks so tasty. I am new to your blog. Just found it and am so glad I did.

viswa said...

My Mom Would of Also thought this was very funny and interesting....